Gemstone [Color List]

Gemstones are organizes in colors.
Red Pink Brown
Orange Yellow | Gold Green
Aqua Blue Purple
Gray | Silver Black  
White Clear Mixed Color
Rainbow Color Changing Multicolor
Red Gemstone List
Pink Gemstone List
Orange Gemstone List
Yellow and Gold
Yellow and Gold Gemstone List
Green Gemstone List
Aqua Blue
Aqua Gemstone List
Blue Gemstone List
Purple Gemstone List
Brown Gemstone List
Gray and Silver
Gray and Silver Gemstone List
Black Gemstone List
White Gemstone List
Clear Gemstone List
Mixed Gemstone List
Color-changing Gemstone List
Rainbow Gemstone List
Multicolor Gemstone List
Red Pink Brown
Orange Yellow | Gold Green
Aqua Blue Purple
Gray | Silver Black  
White Clear Mixed Color
Rainbow Color Changing Multicolor
Message from the Owner

This is a special page that gemstones are organized by colors. It will be useful for people who want to search gemstones by favorite color. Choosing the color intuitively is also nice.

There are many kinds of colors of gemstones, so it won’t let you get bored. It can heal you just by looking at them. Gemstone color list is also good for watching. When you find a gemstone with a good color, please click the link for more details. You might find something new.

The meanings and effects of gemstones change by their color. Gemstone color list is useful when you want to get the power of colors. Please choose the best gemstone from the color you prefer.

[Gemstone Color Summary]
Red - activeness and vitality
Pink - love and beauty
Orange - charging and effort
Yellow - happiness and releasing
Green - personality and balance
Aqua - exchanging and expression
Blue - intelligence and mind
Purple - intuitiveness and inspiration
Brown - patience and growth
Gray - reality and fairness
Black - strength and charisma
White - sacredness and discipline
Clear - pure heart and purifying
Mixed - harmony and versatility

The summary of color keywords would be like the above. Please choose the color that fits your situation. Definitely, there is a good gemstone for you on the list.

People naturally pick their favorite color. It comes from their experience in the past and their natural personality. People who like the real world prefer warm colors, and people who like the mental world prefer cool colors. Those who like to be neutral prefer intermediate colors like green or purple. People that prefer black or white have pretty unique thinking. Gemstone color list is also useful for self-analysis.

The color you get attracted on the gemstone list is the one you need. When red attracts you, it means you need more activeness and vitality, and when blue attracts you, it means you need satisfaction of intelligence and mind. Just pick intuitively, you won’t need any knowledge about colors. You can find the gemstone that is needed now. Please don’t think too much about it, and just pick your favorite color.

It is also useful when you want to collect gemstones with your favorite color. This website shows all gemstones with pictures, so you can easily find your favorite color. Even though it is a same color, the texture and atmosphere of the gemstone will be different by types. Comparing the shades of colors and transparency will be very interesting. Favorite texture will differ between people too, so please take your time to look at each of them.

Gemstone Search
Popular Gemstones
[150 Kinds]
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Andalusite Andalusite
Andesine Andesine
Angelite Angelite
Apatite Apatite
Apophyllite Apophyllite
Aqua Aura Aqua Aura
Aquamarine Aquamarine
Aragonite Aragonite
Aventurine Aventurine
Azurite Azurite
Barite Barite
Benitoite Benitoite
Beryl Beryl
Biotite Biotite
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Coral Coral
Cuprite Cuprite
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Diamond Diamond
Diopside Diopside
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Emerald Emerald
Epidote Epidote
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Eudialyte Eudialyte
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Fossil Fossil
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Garnet Garnet
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Heliodor Heliodor
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Jadeite Jadeite
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Jet Jet
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Kyanite Kyanite
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Magnesite Magnesite
Magnetite Magnetite
Malachite Malachite
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Meteorite Meteorite
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Nephrite Nephrite
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Opal Opal
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Prasiolite Prasiolite
Prehnite Prehnite
Pyrite Pyrite
Quartz Quartz
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Rhodochrosite Rhodochrosite
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Roman Glass Roman Glass
Rose Quartz Rose Quartz
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Ruby Ruby
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Sapphire Sapphire
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[733 Kinds]