The Meanings of Golden Mica

Description of meanings of Golden Mica

Golden Mica

Golden Mica
Love and Relationships
[1] Enhance love energy
[2] Get a reliable partner
[3] Increase communication skills
[4] Maintain the best relationship
[5] Amulet of family peace
Money and Business
[1] Increase learning ability
[2] Flash up good ideas
[3] Challenge unknown areas
[4] Collect necessary information
[5] Get out of adversity
Other Energy
[1] Find hope
[2] Heals a tired heart
[3] Receive the guide of heaven
[4] Develop the future
[5] Change feelings

Golden Mica is a gemstone with meaning and properties of making its owner positive. It is a useful gemstone to purify negative energy. Please use it when you feel like you have rough ups and downs of feelings. It would balance your energy and let you feel calm.

Golden Mica is a gemstone full of love energy. It has meaning and properties of improving the relationship between your lover or family members. Please use it when you feel like you don't have enough communication with them. By using Golden Mica, you would be able to maintain calm and peaceful relationship. It is also known as a gemstone that can make sure of trust between each other.

Golden Mica has meaning and properties of trying something new. It has been considered to give brand new and epoch-making ideas to people. You would be able to have big success by trying new field which there are no rivals. This gemstone will give you information and courage needed to open up a new field.

Golden Mica is known as a great healing gemstone. It would gently cover up the damage done to its owner and recover it. Please use it when you are stressed out a lot every day. It will bring your energy back to the normal state and let you do things as usual.

Golden Mica is a gemstone that contains mica. Because of the property of mica, it will sparkle when you light it up. It looks very mystic when the golden shine comes out from the black surface. This shine is considered to be a symbol of hope. You would be able to have a chance to get out from negative circumstances by using it.

Golden Mica is not a famous gemstone. Only few stores have it, so please visit several specialty stores if you need one. Mainly, bracelet types are sold. You can enjoy nice appearance different from famous black gemstones such as Black Onyx or Obsidian.

Golden Mica has meaning and properties of receiving messages from the heavens. This gemstone would let you know what you need to do. It would lead your life to the best way. Golden Mica is also used to stop hesitating. This gemstone will let you do things that you think it is right.

Golden Mica has meaning and properties of helping its owner learn things. This gemstone would give enough knowledge when you need to study. The power you can get from it will be stronger if your desire to learn is strong. It is a good gemstone to use when you want to learn difficult and complex knowledge quickly.

Chakra Chart of Golden Mica
9th Heaven Chakra
8th Air Chakra
7th Crown Chakra
6th Third Eye Chakra
5th Throat Chakra
4th Heart Chakra
Golden Mica
[Light] Productivity
2nd Sacral Chakra
1st Root Chakra
0th Earth Chakra
How to Purify Golden Mica
White Sage
White Sage
Quartz Cluster
Quartz Cluster
Quartz Chips
Quartz Chips
Crystal Tuner
Crystal Tuner
+ Obsidian
Find a new self
+ Tiger's Eye
Acquire an ideal life
+ Aventurine
Build a reliable relationship within the surroundings
+ Lapis Lazuli
Be a pioneer of the era
+ Black Star Diopside
Increase self-esteem
Hayasaka Yoshino

Author Hayasaka Yoshino

Hayasaka Yoshino is a stone healer that usually works in Tokyo area, Japan. Yoshino is also famous as a fortune teller and seen over 10,000 people. "Fortune-telling counseling", which finds out the best gemstone for the client, received a high reputation. Representative director of LWE Co., Ltd.

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